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Newest Classifieds in  Harvest Equipment - Forage Wagons

Photo Title Price
2018 MILLER PRO 8220

26', HD Brakes, poly floor, fold down outfeed ext,rear work lights,rear hitch,700 tires, Axle suspension and fenders, Optional Scales, w/side ext., HD Brakes, Stainless Steel Sides, Elect. Controller

$59,300.00 US
2018 MILLER PRO 8220

24' w/side ext., HD Brakes, Stainless Steel Sides and poly floor, fold down outfeed ext,rear work lights,rear hitch,700 tires, Axle suspension and fenders, Optional Scales, Elect. Controller

$58,800.00 US
2017 MILLER PRO 8220 8220-24

26', HD Brakes, poly floor, fold down outfeed ext,rear work lights,rear hitch,700 tires, Axle suspension and fenders, Optional Scales, Ask about $714 a month' w/side ext., HD Brakes, Stainless Steel Sides

$51,300.00 US
2017 ARTSWAY 8200 8200arts

26', HD Brakes, poly floor, fold down outfeed ext,rear work lights,rear hitch,700 tires, Axle suspension and fenders, Optional Scales, Ask about $738 a month' w/side ext., HD Brakes, Stainless Steel Sides

$51,300.00 US
2017 MILLER PRO 8220 8220-22

24' w/side ext., HD Brakes, Stainless Steel Sides and poly floor, fold down outfeed ext,rear work lights,rear hitch,700 tires, Axle suspension and fenders, Optional Scales, Ask about $693 a month

$49,800.00 US
2017 ARTSWAY 8200 8200way

24' w/side ext., HD Brakes, Stainless Steel Sides and poly floor, fold down out feed extension, rear work lights, rear hitch,700 tires, Axle suspension and fenders, Optional Scales, Ask about $715 a month

$49,800.00 US
2018 MILLER PRO 5300 5300

20ft front and rear unload Box and Trailer, Trailer Brake option available $2800.00 We deliver to US and Canada for reasonable rates, Ask about $425 a month

$31,900.00 US
2018 MILLER PRO 5300 5300tr

20 ft, 24 Ton Extreme Duty Gear, Combo Front and Rear Unload, Side Extensions, 4th Beater, Trailer Brake option available $2800.00, Ask about $454 a month

$31,900.00 US
2018 MILLER PRO 5300 5300tf

20ft Front Unload, Trailer Gear, Side Ext. 4th Beater, Trailer Brake option is $2800.00 more, Ask about $415 a month

$31,300.00 US
2018 MILLER PRO 5300 5300rt

20ft, Rear Unload Cart, Trailer Brake option available $2800.00, Ask about $330 a month

$25,200.00 US
2018 MILLER PRO 5300 5300new

18ft forage box, 20 ton gear, Ask About $293 a month

$22,800.00 US
2018 MILLER PRO 5300 530018FT

18 Ft. Tandem Gear, Ask about $260. a month We deliver to US and Canada for reasonable rates.

$20,500.00 US
2016 MILLER PRO 5300 530016FT

16' tandem, We deliver to US and Canada for reasonable rates.Ask about $245. a month

$17,900.00 US
MEYER 4516

Meyer 4516 16 foot forage wagon on Horst 14 ton gear,like new,only used one season. S/N 14W5361, $16,500

$16,500.00 US
BADGER 1250-16F

12 ton tandem gear,16 ft,low wear,and very nice!

$12,500.00 US

Forage box and Mack truck

$12,000.00 US

Miller Pro 5200 Forage Wagon,Good Condition,High Roof,12 Ton Tandem Axle Gear

$10,900.00 US

16 Foot Box,Nice Condition,Field Ready!

$9,250.00 US

$7,900.00 US
GEHL 1620

12 Ton Tandom Gear,3 Beater with roof,16 Foot Box,Nice Solid Wagon!

$7,900.00 US
H & S SD7418

$5,900.00 US
GEHL 960 GW0024

Excellent Wagon Shows little wear Very Good Beaters Very Good Floor Chains Variable Speed Chain Discharge

$4,950.00 US

$4,900.00 US

Forage Wagons 540 Pto, 6 Bolt Wheels, 10.00-15 Tires, 16' Long, Extendable Tongue, Tandem Axle Gear, Good Condition

$2,650.00 US
1990 MILLER PRO 2150

Zimmerman,16 Foot Hyd Drive, Wooden Sides

$1,800.00 US

Newest Auctions in  Harvest Equipment - Forage Wagons