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Newest Classifieds in  Tillage Equipment-Mulch Finishers

Photo Title Price
2011 SUNFLOWER 6333-22 6333con

22ft Soil Finisher

$19,500.00 US

24',Very nice,Always shedded,Good discs and shovels,Rear Hitch,5 bar coil tine harrow,local farmer owned,Adjustable front disc gang

$17,900.00 US
1996 JOHN DEERE 726 24ft 9in

Really nice 726 24ft 9 in Soil Finisher with Hyd. Disc,Spring coushion shanks,JD knock off Shovels ,5 bar cool tine Harrow,Rear Hitch and Hyd. Good Paint And Iron

$14,500.00 US

Newest Auctions in  Tillage Equipment-Mulch Finishers